Wednesday 26 September 2012

Distance Education students have immense potential locked up in the recesses of their academic journey. Yet just few uses even half of their potential. “Mastering Distance Education” is first, a very good attempt to convince us all that we have immense power and potential to master the art of learning at a distant.
People, get ready for a paradigm shift of your know-how about making it big as a Distance education student. Be a good example to your generation and posterity. This book is a must read…

“Mastering Distance Education” COMING OUT SOON!!!

Like our facebook page and learn some few principles before you purchase the book itself…

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Your Attitude is More Important than Your Intelligence!

Have you ever wondered which is more important out of your attitude and your intelligence? Perhaps it is time that you did. The world is full of intelligent people who have not lived up to their potential, and the world is also full of people who have made huge successes of their lives who wouldn't class themselves as intelligent at all.
How can this be? It all boils down to your attitude. Your attitude is a major deciding factor in your level of success in this life. If you have average or even below average intelligence and you have a "can do" attitude then the world is your oyster, you can achieve anything in this life that your heart desires. If you have an IQ of 150 and you have a "can’t be bothered" attitude the world will pass you by without so much as a second thought.

If you are intelligent and you have the right attitude then you can have anything that your heart desires too. It is your attitude and not your intelligence that will stop you achieving anything in this life.

Never say, "I can’t because I'm not intelligent enough" because intelligence has nothing to do with it. If it was simply a matter of intelligence then all the professors and scientist would be millionaires instead of working for the man who left school with no qualifications but the right attitude.

Henry Ford only had eight years of education, yet with his "I will not be denied" attitude he went on to form the Ford Motor company, to change the way that the whole world viewed transport, he automated factory production and became the wealthiest man in the world at that current moment in time.
You would have to say that his success was down to his attitude and not down to his intelligence.

Do not let your intelligence or rather your lack of it stand in the way of achieving your dreams. You can move mountains with the right attitude.
A positive attitude is of paramount importance, you could have all the intelligence in the world if you do not approach each task with the correct attitude then there is every chance that you will yield negative results.
A positive attitude will equate to positive results and a negative attitude will equate to negative results.

Always remember, "It is your Attitude not Aptitude that will determine your Altitude in life."

Stay Blessed!

Written by:
Bernard Agyei Aryee
"The Dynamic Factor" 

Sunday 5 August 2012


Let us be security conscious because LIFE is very precious and we have it just once. Life is very vital than any other material thing we have on earth. Please note the following points and always be mindful.

1. KNOW THE PEOPLE IN YOUR ENVIRONMENT: Try as much as possible to at least say hi and be familiar to everybody in your neighborhood. Whenever you see a stranger in your area especially at an ungodly hour, try and observe the person and if possible approach him/her to ask if he/she is looking for someone – The person might shiver and shy away naturally if he/she is a criminal.

2. BRING ALONE YOUR FAMILY: Draw your family closer to security alerts. Educate your children and wife/husband and let them be watchful always at home and outside the home. Please don’t allow kids to open doors whenever there is a visitor especially at night. Let a matured person or if possible yourself to open the door for visitors always but be mindful to peep through the window and look at the fellow and ask who he/she is, before opening.

3. CALL HOME WHEN COMING TO THE HOUSE: Call someone in the house to open the gate/door for you just at your arrival especially if you are driving. Don’t come and blow the horn for some time outside the gate before you are opened. Spys might be studying you all these while and might one day snatch your vehicle or take your belongings on you even before they open a gate/door for you. Be on the lookout when you are walking home at night.

4. WATCH BEFORE YOU TAKE A TAXI: When you want to take a taxi please try and sit behind the driver especially when you “charter” the taxi alone. Be careful and try to observe the driver in the mirror. Look at his eye balls whether it is concentrating on the road or looking around rolling up and down. If you suspect anything the best option is to get down and take another taxi. Also when taking a taxi with people already seated in, please don’t rush into it, but take some few seconds to observe the occupants and see for yourself whether or not they can be suspicious. Be very mindful of this.

5. SEPARATE YOUR CASH ON YOU: Please don’t keep all your money in your wallet or one side of your pocket whenever you are going out. Try as much as possible to separate them into 2 or 3 on you so that in case you are picked, you can at least go home with something. Also don’t remove a bundle of money from your pocket/wallet whenever you are buying something to “show off”. Take as little that can cater for what you are buying at that particular point in time. Spys may be watching your movements and steps. Guys, please don’t put your wallet at your back pocket when you are walking in town especially commercial and busy areas. Be mindful.

6. WATCH OUT WHEN DRIVING: When driving and you see someone following you for some time, please drive to the nearest police station or go around the nearest round about for some time till the spy gives up on you.
Please don’t go out deep in the night and also don’t walk alone in your area at night if you don’t know or trust the people around you. Always don’t forget to lock your house/car/shop when leaving. Life is precious and should in case you are attacked; let them take everything you have patiently. Don’t ever struggle with robbers or criminals; they can take your life away. Even if you are robbed to square zero, the good Lord who giveth will bless you once again in no time. YOUR LIFE FIRST!


Written by:

Bernard Agyei Aryee
DESAUG National President
University of Ghana, Legon

Saturday 4 August 2012



I feel grieved for my own motherland; KADE, whenever i heard towards home from the capital city. I am writing this with a troubled heart. Kade constituency is endowed with numerous resources both natural and human. But unfortunately leadership has failed us drastically I mean the word DRASTICALLY for the past 12 years so far as I am concerned there has been no feasible development in the area.

We have tagged ourselves with a political party and it has blindfolded us to setbacks when it comes to infrastructural and human resource development. The few educated youth has fled away from their own nurtured homes because they fear they may not prosper on the land. It is very pathetic when we see and hear structural developments from other close neighbouring constituencies on TV’s and even with our own naked eyes whenever we travel.

It looks as if we are not part of parliament or even part of the country. The deplorable state of our roads, markets, school buildings, place of convenience, (KVIP's) etc., yet we claim to have an MP. Seriously there is no hope for the youth in our constituency. The time has come for us to stand for our right, stand for the truth and claim freedom from this selfish leadership.

As Martin Luther King Jnr. said and I quote “Freedom is not voluntarily given by the oppressor, it must be demanded by the oppressed” indeed we have been suffering from injustice far too long, we have seen virtually NO meaningful development for the past 12 years and trust me if we don’t stand up for total dynamism in our constituency, Future generations will blame us with bitterness. Awake! Youth of kade for your shoulders the constituency lies.

Most people struggle with life balance simply because they haven't paid the price to decide what is really important to them. Let's remember that if we don't stand for something, we'll fall for everything.

The time has come for us to educate our people back home that we need to move forward in with progress but not impediments. As we prepare for the polls this year, Change is what we should concentrate on and nothing else. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. 12 years for one person is just more than sufficient. The truth is he has nothing more to offer us. Please Start Educating Your Relations Today!!!

Kade Constituency Deserves Better And The Time Is Now.


Written By:
Bernard Agyei Aryee [
The Dynamic Factor]
DESAUG President
University of Ghana, Legon

A Native of Kade

Contacts: 0246605733 / 0264605733
A 24 year Old boy seeing out
from the Train's window
"Dad, look the trees are going behind!"
Dad smiled and a young Couple
sitting nearby, looked at the 24
year Old's Childish behaviour with
Suddenly he again Exclaimed.
"Dad look the clouds are running
with Us!"
The couple couldn't resist & said
to the old Man.
"why don't you take your Son to
a good Doctor?"
The Old man smiled & Said.
"I did and we are just coming
from the hospital, my son was
blind from birth, he just got his
eyes today."

MORAL LESSON: Every Single Person On The Planet Has a Story. Don't Judge People Before You Truly
Know Them. The Truth Might Surprise You.

Bernard Agyei Aryee 
DESAUG President 
University of Ghana, Legon
A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a Ghc20 bill. In the room of 200, he asked. "Who would like this Ghc20 bill?" Hands started going up. He said, "I am going to give this Ghc20 to one of you - but first, let me do this." He proceeded to crumple the Ghc20 note up. He then asked. "Who still wants it?" Still the hands were up in the air. "Well," he replied, "what if I do this?" He dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty. "Now, who still wants it?" Still the hands went into the air.

"My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth Ghc20. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless; but no matter wh
at happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to those who love you. The worth of our lives comes, not in what we do or who we know, but by ...WHO WE ARE. You are special - don't ever forget it.".....



"The Dynamic Factor"